How to show love to him/her - UHONDO KITANDANI


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Thursday, January 2, 2020

How to show love to him/her

Learn how to Show Love 
This is a concept, while simple in design, is both complex to understand and difficult to implement. This is something that can overcome relationship problems and turn those problems into everlasting bonds.
Everyone feels loved in different ways. While your concept of love may contain roses and flowers, anothers concept of love finds those things demeaning. The first step in creating a successful marriage or in saving your marriage is to learn how to understand.
Think about what your partner values. Write their values down, get it on paper, make it concrete. This is something that you absolutely need to know – this is the core of who your partner is. What is it about them that they are passionate about? What do their core beliefs hold? If they could only live with three nonessential things, what would they be?
Once you’ve understood their values and core beliefs, then you can begin to get a true picture of who they are. Sure, you may think you know a lot about the person, but surprisingly, most don’t. Take time to have that conversation with them, to learn about them, and then, to learn about how they need to feel loved.
Now that you know what their core values are, you can use that knowledge to understand how they need to feel loved. Some people respond more to gifts, others to actions.
For example, a lady might get all excited because a man has bought her a card out of the blue and wrote a personal message inside. However, that man, if he received such a gift, would glance at it and it would soon be forgotten.
But, if that lady bought a man a gift card for a hardware store, and then surprised him by taking him there, he might get all excited about it and to him, that shows him that he’s loved. 
Words of love, actions of love, touch, gifts, time – these are all different ways that people can feel loved. Take the time to understand how your partner needs to feel loved. Realize that how they need to feel loved is different than how you need to feel it, and then appreciate that. Make a conscious choice everyday to follow through with what you’ve learned.
When people ask “How can I fix my relationship problems?”, this is the one thing that can be done that will have the most impact. Understanding is the key to a successful relationship.


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