Discover the true power of these habits in your relationship - UHONDO KITANDANI


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Sunday, January 5, 2020

Discover the true power of these habits in your relationship

Habit 1: Kiss Each Other Before Bed
A little kiss can go a long way! | Source
This is a short and sweet habit that will mean a lot in your relationship. Kissing before bed is a nice little ritual. It’s nice to share some sort of intimacy before bed besides just rolling over.

It’s also a nice insurance that you made it known you care about your partner before sleep in case one of you don’t wake up. I'm just saying - it can happen.
Kissing is a sign of affection, and making the effort to lean over and give your partner is a kiss is adding to that sign of affection. You don’t have to make out! Just a simple and knowing kiss will do.

Habit 2: Say I Love You In A Variety Of Ways
How many ways can you say I love you? |

An emotional connection is all about love, right? Some people think that you can say I love you too much (you know...where it turns into ‘loveya’). But if you say it with meaning , then you will have a hard time saying it too much to someone you love.

If you are someone who finds that the words lose value as you say them, then there are other things you can do to express how much you love your partner.
You Should Express Your Love

The fact that those three words can make us feel loved and part of a happy union means that we can't cut them out of our daily lives altogether and only say them once in a while, but we can change the way we say them.

There are ways to add some substance and some power behind our expression of love. So, if you are stuck in the "loveya" section of your relationship, here are ten ideas to help you get into the meaningful "I Love You" seats.

1. Put your partner on a pedestal
There are not many people who will not feel great when you tell them how great they are, especially when that person is your partner. In another article, I talk about stroking a males ego to attract a man, but really it is just a way to make anyone feel good about themselves and admired by the person saying it.

So, if they did something great, then tell them! If they are proud of something, tell them that you are proud of them too. Make them feel good, and you are essentially saying, "I love you!"

2. Take over one of their tasks occasionally
Your partner may have certain duties in the relationship. Washing dishes, washing the dog, cleaning the house, or whatever. When you get up and do something that they normally do, you are giving them a break from their duties, and that shows you think about them and want to take care of them.

3. Show them you care about their health
I am not trying to say tell them that they are overweight or should quit smoking or should exercise more. I'm just saying that you should pay attention to serious medical issues and let them know that you want them to be in your life for the long-term, not the short-term. 
When they know that you expect a long life with them, they get the message loud and clear that you love them. Just don't push the issues too much or they will feel attacked instead of loved.

4. Admit when you are wrong
This is a hard one! But, it will let them know that you are willing to give them credit where credit is due, and because it is such a hard thing to do, they will know how much you care about them to do it.

5. Compliment them in public
When you make them look good in public, they feel good about you. So, in front of your family, friends, or even strangers, make sure you give them compliments that make them look good.

6. Let them be themselves
Your partner will not likely do everything the way you do. But, even if they do, let them be themselves. If they are slow and methodical while you are fast and impulsive, you cannot make them be like you. Accept them for who they are, appreciate it, and let them know that they are perfect in your eyes. What better way to say I love you?

7. Let them know why you love them
One of the best things my husband says is, "This is why I love you!" It works two ways. First it shows me how much he appreciates me. Second it is a direct way of saying I love you, without actually saying I love you! It seems to mean more than the usual phone call ending.
So, if your partner makes their famous cake, say something like, "This is one of the many reasons I love you so much!" Trust me, they will smile.

8. Don't side with other people
I have a friend whose wife used to side with everyone but him. What do you think he heard every time she agreed with someone else? He heard, "I don't value you as much as I value this person and their opinion."

Here's the thing, you are not always going to agree. But, don't call your partner out in front of other people unless they are hurting someone else. It is a way to show them that you are willing to stand by their side and work as a team in this world, and it is a great way to say I love you.

9. Take the time to listen
You and your partner are in this together, and that means that you will need to be there to support each other. Take the time to listen to your partner and show them you care about them, their feelings, and their life. It is a great way to say I love and value the person you are.
The trick is to remove distractions. It is so easy to half-listen when the TV is on, for example. That's not really listening, and your partner deserves more.


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