- Woman is made unique. It’s delicacy is it’s beauty but it does not mean you are weak. You are internally strong. Be yourself and a Happy women’s Day.
- No one can compete a woman in high ambition and true Love. For the Beacon of ambition and light house of Love, Happy women’s Day.
- From start of Life to end, it is the woman who keeps the clock of life ticking. Respect for all women and a delighted women’s day for them.
The stars are Beauty of sky, the grass is the beauty of Meadow and the Woman is the Beauty of Life. Happy Women’s Day.
- For a Woman, things are not harmonious with her choice. But a Brave one changes this noise into a melody. Happy Women’s Day.
- Forbearance, Patience and Courage made the inner self of a Women. Keep Glowing and the World will bestow you. Happy Women’s Day.
- The courtesy of a single woman in any form, truly enrich the humanity. Be a women who listens to her and works with her mind. Happy Women’s Day.
- Women need not to work to prove her. She can do it by building a character. Women has every ability in her, just proper execution and you can rock the World.
- The Determination of a Woman, and the courage of her are her two swords. With these two armors, she can change everything. Happy Women’s Day.
The Fire of woman’s Heart is the most Powerful weapon. She can Burn the World and also give warmth to it. Be an ambitious and a Happy Woman
- As a Woman, don’t indulge yourself in things you can’t do but be Best in things under your custody. Whatever do you, Try your Best.
- People can’t see a woman with high aims and a fine Character. Create your inner self strong to face the world and Triumph it. Wishing you A happy Women’s Day.
- The Gauge of women’s personality is not her Beauty but her will power and Character. Made your will power strong and character Matchless and you will see the world honoring you.
In the Journey of Life, you should believe in you abilities and be source of Motivation for Others. Never let your Courage Down and grab whatever you want. Happy Women’s Day.
- Women is made unique. She works and thinks differently. Never try to pose what you are not and always be Yourself, your Destiny is Hidden in you.
- Laughs, cries, Happiness and sorrow all are transient. Permanent is attitude. Never let your attitude weaken in any circumstance and show the world your real power. Happy Women’s Day.
- When everybody say you’re wrong, listen what you Heart says. Show Patience and smile in every situation.
- How I wish women’s day to a Lady, who lives her each day like it’s Women’s Day? Did I have to wish her Everyday? I think she is smart to understand me. Happy women’s Day for that Beautiful Lady.
- I can Forget my Birthday but always remember women’s day because I can call my girl “a woman” on this Day. Happy Women’s Day to my Lovely Woman.
The Women’s Day make me feel very Delighted because the Damsels are converted into ladies and Girls into Aunts. Happy Women’s Day all so called Women!
- Don’t you Worry Lady! You are made woman only for this Day. For the rest of the days this year you will be a Beautiful Girl. Happy Women’s Day to you.
- Your weight and age are ineligible for the Definition of a Woman but I will call you Because I got the License for this Day. Happy Women’s Day for my love.
- I think that being a girl is not easy to live, but being a woman for one day is funny to live. Anyways, I wish you a Happy women’s Day and pray that you will see all joys of the world.
For a Girl there is nothing special than those three words from someone special. But may be for a woman, those three words change into Happy Women’s Day.
- Does a girl calling herself passionate and determined become an enthusiastic woman this Day? Sounds Funny but Not because in the end all girls are women. Happy Women’s day.
- For a women killing a Cockroach is Easy, but wishing a Women’s Day in a Funny Way is hard. Don’t Think I compared you with Cockroach, I just want to say Happy Women’s Day.
- “W” of Woman and “T” of Time have something in Common. Both respect the person who understands them, rest are punished. Happy Women’s Day to all Ladies.
- The Essence of Women is Love. She is made to spread Happiness, peace and smile. Her Delicacy is her Charm and her character is her soul. Happy Women’s Day.
- The Bad environment is fouling the clean Heart of women. If the success is Hidden, women could find it out with the power of his mind. Tribute to all women this Women’s Day.
Appearance deceives and soul reveals, the Character of a women and the beauty of her. With whom she can change the world. Happy Women’s Day to all women.
- Behind a Determined Lady, there hidden a Powerful heart that makes her capable to change the world. To turn your aim into reality, enlighten your Heart with the Power of Love. Happy Women’s Day.
- You will be a real woman, when you will understand your reason to Live. This reason in Hidden in you. You have to unpack yourself to see your real face. May you a have a Good Women’s Day.
- An intelligent women don’t waste her time to seek others attention. She raise her character so high that everyone can see it. A Happy Women’s Day to you.
Don’t spread yourself like a spray everywhere. Be a Flower that gives its aroma to its Lovers and also protects itself with forks. Always remember! You are a Beautiful soul. Happy Women’s Day.
- The Beauty can conquer the world but it’s not the beauty of skin but of soul’s. You have to insert the Beauty into your soul and you can conquer the world. Happy women’s Day to you.
- In the race of life, the person with a high character wins. Nourish your character through the education of your Heart and pose what you are! Happy Women’s Day to you.
- The Dignity of Life is in understanding it’s essence. To enliven yourself and make your dignity matchless, you have to struggle. Happy Women’s Day to you.
- To work with a Lady whose aim is sky high and whose determination is Rock hard is an extra ordinary experience for me. I learn a Lot from you. Happy Women’s Day to you.
- In my work, I got many gifts and surprises , the best of them is a friend of same thinking. This Lady of special skills taught me the real world. Happy women’s day to her.
The respect and character are build. I realize these things when I met a Lady full of these things. I found my Friend in her. Happy Women’s Day to that Lady.
- In this environment of competency, you are the Lady that teach me to How to be Unique! Your courage and Love for work also Motivates me. Happy Women’s Day to you.
- To be among ambitious people is a both Motivating and edifying. When they become Friends, there could be nothing better. For all my more Friend less colleagues Happy Women’s Day.
- Managing time, executing things and working hard are your three best Qualities. You are a fine example of Determination. Happy Women’s Day to you.
Women’s Day is not about sitting and enjoying, its about learning from the ladies working here and making this place great. Happy Women’s Day to all.
- If you dedicate yourself for work, your efforts always give you fruit. These Ladies worked hard and showed this things. Happy Women’s Day to them.
- Knowledge is nothing without implementation. I Learned the management of Knowledge and time from these ladies. Happy Women’s Day to you.
- When the beautiful Flower grows, it enlighten its surrounding with beauty and aroma. You are beautiful flower for us. Happy Women’s Day to you.
- When the Leader is determined and ambitious, the team became enthusiastic itself. Dedicated to a very hard working Lady, Happy Women’s Day.
- Now, when are women are making their way to success, you are leading them with your performance and courage. Happy Women’s Day to you.
In the hard times, we look for someone who provokes us. You always proved our savior and Lead us to journey to resolution. Happy Women’s Day to you.
- A Lady for working for Betterment of society is way better than most people criticizing others. Salute to your Patience. You are a role model of other women.
- It is easy to work for yourself but leading a team is difficult. You not only perfectly Leading us but guiding and teaching us. Happy Women’s Day to you.
- Tolerance is the key for a working lady, challenging hundreds of problems every day. But you are steadfast in you mission. May you get whatever you want. Happy Women’s Day to you.
Saying words and depreciating others are the things everyone can do, But to appreciate with words and inspire from action only you can do. Happy women’s Day.
- You excluded the concept of a traditional boss and proved a friend of time, teaching me regularly. Society needs capable women like you. Happy women’s Day to you
- When I was struggling to get on track, and needed help to reach there, your efficiency galvanized me. You are a good guide. Happy women’s Day to you.
- All things can be described in words except the affection and care of Mother. The Beautiful Lady who supports us in every situation. Happy Women’s Day for her.
- The strongest Lady is a Mother, who protects her child, pray for his long life and made him capable for the world. Salute to all Mother who are the strongest Women.
The real women are Mothers, they are the beauty of the house. She converts a house into a palace and also protect the palace. Happy women’s day to all Mothers.
- Where words end and feeling initiate, then the Love of Mother Began. When the whole world is tired, Mother make things fired. Happy women’s Day to all Moms.
- Rose is the beauty of Garden and Mother is beauty of Life. Lion is symbol of Power and Mother is the Symbol of protection. Happy women’s day to the Beautiful Mothers.
- Women is beautiful in every shape. But when she becomes a Mother her Beauty glows and her Power Flourishes. Happy Women’s day for the Most Beautiful Ladies.
It is not necessary that everyone should know how to wish for women’s day, but he must have known How to wish her Mother. Happy Women’s Day my Lovely Mother
- I want to describe Mother, But words are not up to my Mother’s level. Whether I call her protector, guide, or a Teacher But whoever she is, I call her the Best Lady on the Planet.
- The Lady who never give up in any situation and can face every hardship for her child is Mother. This Women’s Day salute to all daring Mothers of the world.
- The Matchless Dedication for work, the manner of care and the resolution of will, these thing make Mother the most Beautiful Lady on the Planet. Happy women’s Day to all Mothers.
- I got a gift that is beyond my imagination. It is a courageous lady who is my friend and love, My Wife. Happy women’s Day to my Lovely wife.
- A Woman looks delicate but has abilities to face the worst hardships, I say this thing looking at my wife. For a real woman, Happy women’s Day.
Things become difficult to manage, when there is a burden of huge responsibilities. But you proved yourself a Master in every situation. Happy women’s day to you
- I am proud that I got a wife, who is a princess from face and a warrior from commitment. For a very inspiring Lady, Happy women’s Day.
- It is called Love, when someone understands your problem, just after a single glance. A day dedicated to women, I wish My Lovely Lady, Happy women’s Day.
- My wife is a symbol of silence, love and Beauty, but more than this she is a mountain of patience, hope and valor. This women’s Day tribute to my Lovely women.
It is impossible to find a perfect partner but possible to get a Lady with same thinking and attitude. I got this gift. Happy women’s Day for my wife.
- Women’s Day is a tribute to all the women who are working for amelioration of their Beloved one. Nobody deserve more Respect than my Lovely wife. Happy Women’s Day to her.
- A big difference between personality and attitude is harmonized when it is molded by a Beautiful partner and a friend. My Partner is my wife. Happy women’s day to you.
- Women are a sign of happiness. My life also become jolly when you came in my wife. For a Beautiful women, for my wife. Happy women’s Day.
- Dear Sis! You understand me better than anyone else. Is this your foresight or some blood connection. But whatever the case, you are a wonderful women. Happy women’s you to my sister
- Having a hard working sister is really a motivating thing. It provokes the sense to word hard. I gained the courage from you. Happy women’s day to you.
You are born in challenging circumstances, But with your determination, you defeated all the Hardships. You are a real warrior. Happy Women’s Day to my brave sister.
Inspirational Women’s Day Messages:
Funny Women’s Day Messages:
Spiritual Women’s Day Messages:
Women’s Day Wishes to Colleagues:
Women’s Day Wishes For Boss:
Women’s Day Messages for Mother:
Related: Check outMother’s Day Messages and Wishes.
Women’s Day wishes for wife:
Women’s Day wishes For Sister:
- My thinking and attitude was immature, under your guidance my behavior changed and my life set on a new path. For my Teacher and sister, Happy women’s Day.
- For every problem I got, I found the solution is in your Personality. You really deserve respect and can be called a True Lady. Happy women’s Day to you.
- Being an elder child you set a model for young siblings. You are proud of our family. Your audacity is Matchless. Happy women’s Day to you.
If I describe my sister, I would call her characterful, intrepid and doting. I got the pluck of speaking from you. You are a true woman.
- Affection of sister is hidden, Although I don’t see your love everyday, but at few times the hidden care protects and motivates me. I call you a Dare lady. Happy women’s Day to you.
- After the parents, the personality that educated and guided me is you Dear sister! You inspired me to be myself. Happy Women’s Day for my sister.
- Live the life you want, and extract the most out of it are two best things I learned from my Lovely sister. This Women’s Day Tribute to my sister.
Women’s Day Poems:
Poem 1 for Women’s Day:
Your character makes you distinct
Your Beauty makes you unique
You have the high Morals
I call you a Valiant Lady
Who don’t cares for difficulties
Who knew her responsibilities!
One day! You will be renounced
For the efforts you made!
And the challenges you faced.
You are a True image of a lady
You are a Brave woman.
Happy Women’s Day to you
Your Beauty makes you unique
You have the high Morals
I call you a Valiant Lady
Who don’t cares for difficulties
Who knew her responsibilities!
One day! You will be renounced
For the efforts you made!
And the challenges you faced.
You are a True image of a lady
You are a Brave woman.
Happy Women’s Day to you
Poem 2.
Concerning those efforts that
Everyone expect from you
You never want a reward
Is it your Love or selflessness?
But we can’t understand
The power of your love and
The effort of your hand
Those Delicious Foods
That you made for us
Shows How skillful are you!
Dedicated to an altruistic Lady
For Her Efforts, a Bundles of Praises
Who made us Proud!
A Happy Women’s Day
Everyone expect from you
You never want a reward
Is it your Love or selflessness?
But we can’t understand
The power of your love and
The effort of your hand
Those Delicious Foods
That you made for us
Shows How skillful are you!
Dedicated to an altruistic Lady
For Her Efforts, a Bundles of Praises
Who made us Proud!
A Happy Women’s Day
Poem 3:
High is the moral of a woman
Who Devotes her Identify
Just to Improve Others
History Remember her as
A Warrior or as a Flower!
One Beautifies a Garden
Other Protects the Land
Both are the symbol of hope.
For the hidden affection in you
My heart respects you
One day you will gain fruit
For the effort, you are making
You are the woman I am proud!
Happy Women’s Day
Who Devotes her Identify
Just to Improve Others
History Remember her as
A Warrior or as a Flower!
One Beautifies a Garden
Other Protects the Land
Both are the symbol of hope.
For the hidden affection in you
My heart respects you
One day you will gain fruit
For the effort, you are making
You are the woman I am proud!
Happy Women’s Day
Poem 4:
Sunrises and stars Hide
Enlighten the world
And Remove the Curse!
A woman is like a sun
She spreads the knowledge
And removes the Darkness
With her ability to shine
She made the world realize
There is no life until
The woman shines!
In respect of all shining
Ladies and Women
Happy Women’s Day.
Enlighten the world
And Remove the Curse!
A woman is like a sun
She spreads the knowledge
And removes the Darkness
With her ability to shine
She made the world realize
There is no life until
The woman shines!
In respect of all shining
Ladies and Women
Happy Women’s Day.
Poem 5:
Among the many faces
That the world has!
One that many can’t see
Is enlightened by the
Candles guided by women!
She set a path that others
Can follow and tell the world
The women are strong!
She can transform a desert
Into a beautiful oasis
That serves as a resting place
Of many travelers who
Wants to live their lives.
For such wonderful Ladies
A happy Women’s Day.
That the world has!
One that many can’t see
Is enlightened by the
Candles guided by women!
She set a path that others
Can follow and tell the world
The women are strong!
She can transform a desert
Into a beautiful oasis
That serves as a resting place
Of many travelers who
Wants to live their lives.
For such wonderful Ladies
A happy Women’s Day.
Poem 6:
Sympathy, compassion, and Value
Are your characteristics
Love, Beauty, and Peace
Are your distinctions
Determination and Patience
Are your armors
Smiling, attractive and precise
Is your Character.
You are born with a Power
To change the thoughts
And conquer the Hearts.
Life Flows Because of You
You’re a Woman.
Happy Women’s Day to you.
Are your characteristics
Love, Beauty, and Peace
Are your distinctions
Determination and Patience
Are your armors
Smiling, attractive and precise
Is your Character.
You are born with a Power
To change the thoughts
And conquer the Hearts.
Life Flows Because of You
You’re a Woman.
Happy Women’s Day to you.
Poem 7:
To speaks in words
The Favor of women
What Should I describe?
Either her role in education or
Her services in Nourishment.
Should I explain? Her role
As a Mother, or a sister
Or as a wife.
Should I throw Light?
On her Services for society.
No Matter what I say!
It is a Truth that without
Women, there is no Life.
Give Respect to All Ladies on
This Women’s Day.
The Favor of women
What Should I describe?
Either her role in education or
Her services in Nourishment.
Should I explain? Her role
As a Mother, or a sister
Or as a wife.
Should I throw Light?
On her Services for society.
No Matter what I say!
It is a Truth that without
Women, there is no Life.
Give Respect to All Ladies on
This Women’s Day.
Poem 8:
As a Flower, she is delicate
Like a Tree, she is beneficial
As a sword, she is harsh
Like a Moon, she is Beautiful
As a shield, she is the protector
Like a clock, she never stops
As a house, she is a shelter
Like a shadow, she is loyal
She is a Woman.
Happy Women’s Day.
Like a Tree, she is beneficial
As a sword, she is harsh
Like a Moon, she is Beautiful
As a shield, she is the protector
Like a clock, she never stops
As a house, she is a shelter
Like a shadow, she is loyal
She is a Woman.
Happy Women’s Day.
Poem 9:
Protecting the child as a Mother
Guiding the Boy as a Sister
Loving the Husband as a Wife
Enlightening others as a Grand Mother
Proud of Fathers and Love of Brothers.
In each shape and every role
You look Beautiful as Rose
Your Identity is a Blessing.
You are a woman.
Happy Women’s Day.
Guiding the Boy as a Sister
Loving the Husband as a Wife
Enlightening others as a Grand Mother
Proud of Fathers and Love of Brothers.
In each shape and every role
You look Beautiful as Rose
Your Identity is a Blessing.
You are a woman.
Happy Women’s Day.
Poem 10.
Going with a wave of Time
And Fighting for Others
Without caring for herself is
The Desire of Every woman,
But those who work hard
And make this Desire, a Reality,
Those are The Real Women.
This Day is a Tribute to such
Ladies who stand as a barrier
against the evil. Happy
Women’s Day!
And Fighting for Others
Without caring for herself is
The Desire of Every woman,
But those who work hard
And make this Desire, a Reality,
Those are The Real Women.
This Day is a Tribute to such
Ladies who stand as a barrier
against the evil. Happy
Women’s Day!
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